Sunday, March 23, 2014






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Americans Dropping Multivitamins for These Supplements


Americans are moving away from multivitamins toward supplements like vitamin D, fish oil with omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics, according to new a new study.
The study, which appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association, was taken between 1999-2012.
One of the lead researchers told Health Day News the finding makes sense because both fish oil and vitamin D have been the focus of much research and media attention in recent years.
Some studies indicate fish oil could curb the risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular problems. Meanwhile, vitamin D could protect against a variety of troubles, including cancer, diabetes and multiple sclerosis.
Multivitamins, however, have been the subject of scrutiny after studies found they have little to no health benefits.
Whatever your supplement of choice, experts are advising people to inform their doctors of what they're taking since many supplements can interact with drugs, or with each other.
"And the more supplements and medications you're taking, the greater the chance of an interaction," warned Chris D'Adamo, director of research at the Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
According to the National Institutes of Health, Americans spent more than $30 billion on supplements in 2013.

Cholesterol NOT the cause of heart disease?


An emerging theory about cholesterol is causing quite a bit of controversy within the medical community. The theory is that cholesterol DOES NOT cause heart disease! If this is true, then the millions of people who are on statins simply to lower their cholesterol should not be taking them.
Dr. Stephen Sinatra, a Connecticut cardiologist, is one of the most vocal proponents of this theory. He lays it out in his new book, "The Great Cholesterol Myth." He bases much of his belief that cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease on the fact that half of the people hospitalized for heart disease have high cholesterol.
That means the other half of people with heart disease have low cholesterol! He witnesses the same trend in his own practice. Half of the patients on which he performed angiograms had cholesterol that was very low, and then he had patients with very high cholesterol who had no heart disease at all.
He further explains that cholesterol is quite good for the maintenance of good health. Dr. Sinatra asserts that only a very rare type of LDL cholesterol, the small, dense particles, are harmful. He says doctors should perform particle size tests to check for that, but should do away with the HDL/LDL test because it does not yield results that are less specific than the particle size tests.
So if cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease, what about all the people who take statins for the sole purpose of lowering their cholesterol? Dr. Sinatra and other doctors like him say for the most part, those patients should stop taking their statins. Sinatra says there are exceptions, however, such as middle-aged men who have a history of heart disease.
Statin users suffer with many side-effects. Fatigue, muscle pain, erectile dysfunction are just a few. People who are over 70 are particularly vulnerable, as they often experience forgetfulness that has nothing to do with the normal aging process, but is simply a reaction to the statin they are taking, which they may not even need.
One of the key side-effects of statins is the reduction of CoQ-10, a wonderful vitamin-like substance that our bodies naturally manufacture. CoQ-10 is vital for good health, so anyone taking a statin should take a CoQ-10 supplement, 200 mg each day, 100mg in the morning, and 100 mg in the evening.  Unfortunately, as we age, our bodies produce less CoQ-10, so even people who do not take a statin but are over the age of 40 should take 50 mg of CoQ-10 once a day.
So if cholesterol isn't the cause of heart disease, what is? In a word: INFLAMMATION.
It's a silent killer that has also been linked to cancer, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. The number one cause of inflammation is eating too much sugar.
That is so important it bears repeating: The number one cause of deadly inflammation is eating too much sugar. The average American eats 156 pounds of sugar a year. Two hundred years ago the average American ate 20 pounds of sugar a year.
Most people know what it means to stop eating so much sugar. Obviously it involves avoiding sweets such as dessert food and soda, but it goes way beyond that. It means cutting-out fruit juice, sports drinks, and scanning a product's list of ingredients for hidden sugars.
Do not rely on the packaging itself because food manufacturers often place misleading statements about the nutritional value of a food on the labels. Checking the list of ingredients for sugars like high fructose corn syrup, really any type of syrup, or high concentrated fruit juice, also items ending in -ose, such as sucrose, dexrose, maltose, etc. is imperitive, If the product contains sugar, don't buy it.
Another abundant source of sugar in our diet is refined carbohydrates. These are all the processed grains, mostly processed wheat, that turn into sugar the moment you eat them. Process carbohydrates include all white breads, bagels, muffins, crackers, pasta, and rice. Pass on all these items if you want to reduce the amount of sugar you eat.
Aside from eating too much sugar, another cause of inflammation is eating trans fats. Trans fats are manufactured in a lab. They are not natural! They are oils that have been infused with hydrogen. Therefore, they are listed as "hydrogenated" oils in the list of ingredients.
Once again, do no rely on claims that a product is "trans fat free" of has "0 grams trans fat" because often such claims are misleading and the product does indeed contain trans fats. In order to know for sure, check the list of ingredients for the word, "hydrogenated" and if you see it, don't eat that food.
Inflammation is also caused by smoking. So if you smoke, you must stop. If you've tried before, try again. It's been said that it takes five tries before a person actually quits. Most doctors say the drug, Chantix is the best smoking cessation drug out on the market and that it really works. There are some pretty hefty side-effects, though. So make sure you discuss all of those before you get your prescription.
Inflammation is also cause by eating processed meats. These are meats that you find in the deli section. They are meats that have been salted, smoked, cured, or otherwise changed from their raw state. Lunch meats and hot dogs fall into this category. So stay away from processed meats.
Too many Omega-6 fats also cause inflammation. Omega-6 fats are vegetable oils, the liquid kind. If you eat Omega-6 oils, you should balance that out by eating the same amount of Omega-3 oils, Omega-3 oils are found in fish, nuts, and avacados. Most Americans eat 15 times the amount of Omega-6 fats as they do Omega-3 fats. It should be a 1:1 ratio.
Interestingly, Dr. Sinatra and his colleagues who do not believe cholesterol causes heart disease tout the benefits of not only unsaturated fats such as olive oil, but also saturated fats such as coconut oil and butter and unprocessed meats.
If you'd like to know more about this crucial yet complicated subject, read the book, The Great Cholesterol Myth.


Wheat, Carbs and Sugar Dramatically Harm Your Brain


Is it possible that wheat, carbs and sugar do more damage to the human brain than strokes, car accidents and concussions combined?
If you want to improve your memory, lift your mood and even stave-off serious brain problems like ADHD and Alzheimer's, stay away from carbohydrates, says neurologist David Perlmutter.
Listen as he explains why these foods are so harmful to our brains. He also describes what we should be eating instead.
Furthermore, Perlmutter talks about how aerobic exercise benefits the brain.

Sugar Industry, Harvard Researchers Scam Innocent Americans


A stunning new article in Monday's Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine reveals sugar industry executives paid-off three Harvard scientists to publish a report minimizing the link between sugar and heart disease and instead blaming saturated fat.
The scandal took place in the 1960s, according to sugar industry and Harvard documents uncovered by the University of California, San Francisco investigators, including Cristin E. Kerns.
"They were able to derail the discussion about sugar for decades," UCSF professor Stanton Glantz, who wrote the article, said of the conspirators, who are now all deceased.
The bribe shaped American nutrition guidelines that still, in large part, are currently followed, possibly causing untold numbers of deaths.
"The revelations are important because the debate about the relative harms of sugar and saturated fat continues today," Dr. Glantz said.
The deception-for-money scheme initiated a ripple effect, influencing the dietary decisions of millions of Americans. In short, the sugar industry was able to dupe Americans into thinking saturated fat caused heart disease, when all along they knew a primary culprit, if not the primary culprit, was the product they sold.
The shocking disclosure is sparking outrage within the medical community.
"I think it's appalling," said Marion Nestle, a New York University professor of nutrition who wrote an editorial accompanying the JAMA article.
She said the documents provide "compelling evidence" that the sugar industry manufactured their own research "expressly to exonerate sugar as a major risk factor for coronary heart disease," then paid the Harvard scientists to tout its credibility.
"You just never see examples that are this blatant," she said.
Here's how it went down. Back in 1964, scientific studies started uncovering the link between sugar consumption and heart disease. Naturally, this alarmed sugar industry executives.
Documents show John Hickson, a top sugar industry executive, devised a plan to divert attention to saturated fat by using "our research and information and legislative programs."
The sugar industry paid for scientific studies that would show saturated fat caused heart disease, not sugar.
"Then we can publish the data and refute our detractor," Hickson wrote.
According to documents, Hickson paid three Harvard scientists a total of $6,500 ($49,000 today) to write a review of the sugar industry-funded research and have it published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine.
One of the scientists was Dr. Dredrick J. Stare, chairman of Harvard's nutrition department. Another was D. Mark Hegsted, who was later promoted to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's head of nutrition and in 1977 wrote the forerunner to the federal government's dietary guidelines.
Documents reveal Dr. Hegsted was on board with the plan, writing to the sugar executives, "We are well aware of your particular interest," adding "and will cover this as well as we can."
Dr. Hegsted and his co-conspirators also showed the sugar executives rough drafts of their evaluations of the slanted scientific research, which concluded with a condemnation of saturated fat as a contributor to heart disease, while brushing off the relationship between sugar and heart disease, according to documents.
Hickson was pleased.
"Let me assure you this is quite what we had in mind, and we look forward to its appearance in print," Mr. Hickson wrote.
The plan worked beautifully. After the review by the Harvard scientists was published, the medical community and the public at large pointed the finger squarely at saturated fat as the cause for heart disease, and there was little, if any correlation to sugar.
"It was a very smart thing the sugar industry did, because review papers, especially if you get them published in a very prominent journal, tend to shape the overall scientific discussion," Gantz said.
As a result, Americans entered a no-fat, low-fat craze that prompted an increase in sugar consumption. Obesity rates skyrocketed and heart disease remained the nation's No. 1 killer.
Where does that leave us today?
Fortunately, now the New England Journal of Medicine requires researchers to disclose funding sources. This rule was enacted in 1984. History might have been different if the researchers were required to disclose the money paid to them by the sugar industry.
As for the sugar industry's response to this, a statement by the Sugar Association said the industry "should have exercised greater transparency in all of its research activities," but stands by its claim that sugar does not have a unique role in heart disease."
Meanwhile, today's government dietary recommendations still include warnings about saturated fat consumption, although the American Heart Association and other agencies are starting to include warnings about sugar consumption as a risk for heart disease as well.

If you're worried about cholesterol, you should watch this!

Should you consider the Lipitor lawsuit as a result of your diabetes diagnosis?

Current Litigation

Should you consider the Lipitor lawsuit as a result of your diabetes diagnosis?

If you are one of the more than 20 million people that takes statins, such as Lipitor, to control your cholesterol and you developed diabetes, you may be entitled to compensation by filing a Lipitor Lawsuit against the manufacturer, Pfizer.
If you or a loved one was diagnosed with diabetes and believe the diagnosis is the result of their use of Lipitor, our Lipitor Lawyers will be happy to assess your claim with a quick, no charge evaluation to see if you qualify for the Lipitor Diabetes Lawsuit.

Lipitor Diabetes Risk

Lipitor, manufactured by Pfizer, is the most-prescribed medicine in history but several studies now indicate that it is linked to an increased risk of diabetes.
Despite living healthy and active lifestyles, individuals have developed type-2 diabetes after initiating a Lipitor treatment. As a result of a type-2 diabetes diagnosis, individuals find themselves undergoing regular testing of blood glucose levels, adhering to a restrictive diabetic diet and taking medication to control diabetes. Furthermore, individuals diagnosed with diabetes find themselves at a markedly increased risk of heart disease, blindness, neuropathy and kidney disease.
Lipitor diabetes attorneys, TorHoerman Law, believe that despite Pfizer knowing of the Lipitor diabetes risk, Pfizer promoted and marketed Lipitor as safe and effective which resulted in many injured individuals.

When companies put profits ahead of safety, TorHoerman Law believes they should be held responsible for their actions. To that end, the attorneys at TorHoerman Law are offering a no charge, no obligation review of your medical history for potential inclusion in the Lipitor diabetes litigation. We will tell you honestly whether you should consider participation in the Lipitor lawsuit.



The New York Times hailed them as “wonder drugs.” Doctors use them as the first line of defense against heart attack, stroke, inflammation and whatever else they can make sound dreadful and scary. Despite the spin, cholesterol lowering drugs (fibrates and statins) are proving to be not so wonderful. As outlined in the book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, by Shane Ellison, MS continuing research showed how these blockbusters failed to prevent heart attack and stroke to any clinical significance. But that’s not the worst part. There’s seems to be a “little” problem with cancer.

    “My husband died last August 2005 of advanced liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma). He tested negative for hepatitis and cirrhosis as the common causes of liver cancer. Nothing ever was said about the lovastatin (mevacor) that he was on since 2003 when he had a mild heart attack. A friend (non-M.D.)mentioned the statin probably caused the cancer.”

In their study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Thomas B. Newman, M.D., MPH, and co-workers show that all cholesterol-lowering drugs, both the early drugs known as fibrates (clofibrate, gemfibrozil) and the newer drugs known as statins (Lipitor, Pravachol, Zocor), cause cancer in rodents at the equivalent doses used by man.
Interestingly, these facts are not reflected in the highly coveted Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) or by the pharmaceutically-compliant media. For instance, the PDR shows that cancer is a side effect for fibric acid derivates and statins only when as much as ten times the recommended human dose is used.
Dr. Gloria Troendle, deputy director for the Division of Metabolism and Endocrine Drug Products for the FDA, noted that the cholesterol-lowering drug gemfibrozil belonged to a class of drugs that has repeatedly been shown to increase death rates among users. Moreover, Dr. Troendle stated that she does not believe the FDA has ever approved a drug for long-term use that was as cancer causing at human doses as gemfibrozil.

Others shared these same concerns about gemfibrozil. In comments to the FDA, Elizabeth Barbehenn, Ph.D., concluded: “fibrates must be considered as potential human carcinogens and their carcinogenic potential should be part of the risk benefit equation for evaluating gemfibrozil.”
Ignoring these facts and despite having a majority vote among their advisory committee against approval, the pharmaceutically- campaigned FDA-approved these drugs anyway! Specifically, when asked to vote whether or not the cholesterol-lowering drug gemfibrozil should be approved for prevention of heart disease, only 3 out of 9 voted in favor of approval. Unfortunately, these votes are only “advisory” and – against the better judgment of the committee – the FDA decided to approve gemfibrozil for human consumption.
Of course, the extrapolation of evidence of cancer from rodent to human is very uncertain. And this is the argument of those who favor using cholesterol-lowering drugs. More likely, such an extrapolation would only hold true if human studies also showed an increase in cancer rates. In fact, that is what scientists are seeing.
Sheperd and colleagues for PROSPER noted in the Lancet that “…new cancer diagnoses were more frequent on pravastatin [Pravachol] than on placebo [those not taking the drug].” Similar findings were made in the CARE (Cholesterol And Recurrent Events) trial. Evidence from the trial showed a significant increase (a 1500% relative risk increase) in breast cancer among women taking Pravachol (a cholesterol-lowering drug made by Bristol-Myer Squib).
One mechanism by which cholesterol-lowering drugs may cause cancer has been identified. Published in Nature Medicine, Dr. Michael Simons of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston shows that statin drugs mimic a substance known as vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF). The biochemical VEGF promotes the growth of new blood vessels, a process known as angiogenesis. While angiogenesis may help the growth of arteries, the benefit is quickly negated by the potential for growth of cancer.
The British Journal of Cancer reports that VEGF plays an important role in the spread of colorectal cancer. Further, for those who already have tumors, VEGF and compounds that mimic VEGF significantly diminish that person’s survival time.
The fact that cholesterol-lowering drugs can potentially cause cancer at doses commonly used by humans will never be accepted as mainstream knowledge. Drug company-funded studies for cholesterol-lowering drugs are conveniently short in nature, typically five years or less. It takes decades for cancer to develop. Actually, even heavy smoking will not cause lung cancer within five years. Yet it is a well-known fact that smoking leads to lung cancer. Therefore, as long as statin drug trials last only five years, the fact that these “wonder drugs” aren't wonder drugs will continue to fly below the radar.
By now, most people are starting to see the big picture – wonder drugs aren't that wonderful. Stop fearing your cholesterol levels and starting taking charge of your own health.
By: Shane Ellison, MS



Finally! The Truth About Cholesterol - Video

***** *****
Time: 4:28 Added: 3/26/2013
Views: 7187
Robert Scott Bell clears up confusion about cholesterol and cholesterol lowering drugs. He explains why cholesterol is found in clogged arteries but it not the CAUSE of the clog. He also discusses the many side effects of lowering cholesterol and what statin drugs may cause.
Contributor(s): Bell, Robert D.A. Hom.
Interviewer: Help clear up the cholesterol confusion then. So explain exactly what it does and why we need it? And we're taught to think that cholesterol is the thing that's clogging those arteries up that causes heart problems and we need to reduce that. So how did we get to making cholesterol the bad guy and what does it really do for us?
Robert Scott Bell: Well, making it the bad guy was simply a matter of, "Hey, we found a drug that can reduce it. Let's find a way to sell it. Let's make cholesterol a villain." And, of course, God created us all. God created cholesterol, too. So it's not bad. It's not evil. The fact of the matter is it's very protected. It's one of those mechanisms that should you have arterial inflammation of any kind, [intravenous] as well, but you talk about circulatory inflammation, then the cholesterol will come in to patch and help patch and repair. It starts a process of healing. Now if you are unaware of the process of inflammation and what really causes it, you'll continue to live a lifestyle that will precipitate this inflammation long term, which will precipitate continual patching and repairing. So they come in at the end stage and say, "Oh my gosh, look at those arteries. They're so clogged up. Oh, what is it? Oh, there's some cholesterol there." What must be the cause? Never realizing that the cholesterol saved your life.
In fact, you wouldn't be alive today if you hadn't had that patch and repairing occur. You would have an unannounced, if you will, internal bleed, a rupture, a breach of an artery or a vein, something that you would not have a sensation for, and you would die, maybe even in your sleep. So the reality is the cholesterol is so vitally necessary to keep us alive, in the case of inflammation that is occurring within the arterial system. Now when they talk about inflammation or end stages, you'll also hear about calcification, coronary calcification. It doesn't say cholesterolification, they said calcification. So what is this? Calcium deposits on the arteries? What is that? And so they continued to persist, the medical doctors, to tell women, particularly of age, they say, "Hey, keep taking that calcium. Lots of calcium." They're still pushing chalk calcium carbonate in a lot of cases. Now some have woken up to see different forms of calcium. The calcium's a macro mineral. It's very easy to get in the diet and through supplementation. They ignore the fundamental micro minerals that are very critical in keeping the health of the coronary system going and that, of course, includes magnesium and other things.
The same things that work with the skeletal system, believe it or not will work for the coronary system. Now one of the most important trace elements for the vascular system as well as all connective tissue is, in fact, silicone, or silica. Now a lot of people take horsetail extract when they become aware of it and say, "Hey I want strong skin and hair and nails," not realizing how deeply important silica is for the entire connective tissue of the body and the nervous system. And this is interesting because with the cholesterol if you lower cholesterol you are going to harm your nerves, your brain. Because it needs this cholesterol, this fat layer, the myelin sheet, the insulation of the nerve in order to function properly. Again, this is where we see cholesterol lowering drugs inducing Alzheimer's disease. So that's why I say again, if you want Alzheimer's, take lots of flu shots, and take lots of cholesterol lowering medications, you will guarantee a future that you won't remember anything.
Interviewer: So getting our cholesterol tested is one of the most common tests at the doctor's office. Does that mean anything? Do those numbers mean anything? Do we need to know any certain numbers there?
Robert Scott Bell: To me, as a homeopath, not really. I mean, it would indicate if there is something abnormally high or low, let's just say you were tracking it for years, just to see a baseline in you. If it went to an extreme, it would tell me more about the health of your liver, or the lack of the health of your liver, than anything else it would tell me. It wouldn't tell me you're definitely going to have a heart attack. It would say, "Hey, there's something going wrong," because cholesterol's produced primarily in the liver. In fact, dietary cholesterol impacts cholesterol levels only minimally. There is a some level of a feedback [loop]. But let's say you eat lots of eggs with lots of yolks and lots of cholesterol, it's not going to give you a heart attack. It's very good for you. But the reality is if you want to, let's say it's hyper-cholesterol anemia. That's an issue when it's extremely high. That tells me your liver is disfunctioning and we need to look at that, not at the end stage potential of heart disease because there are a lot of other problems that can get you before that happens.


Sugar's Connection to Obesity and Heart Disease - Video


Time: 2:32 Added: 1/18/2013
Views: 1974
We know sugar is bad, but just how bad? Dr. Jonny Bowden discusses how sugar works on the body and exactly how it leads to heart disease and weight gain and obesity.

Your Thoughts Can Cause a Heart Attack! - Video





Time: 3:49 Added: 11/28/2012
Views: 4097
Dr. Patrick Quillin discusses sugar's role in cancer. He also says that role is a reason why vitamin C is a successful treatment of cancer. He also answers why vitamin C and other natural treatments aren't more mainstream, yet.
Contributor(s): Quillin, Patrick PhD, RD, CNS
Tags: diet, cancer, diabetes, glucose, fermentation, sugar, vitamin c, blood sugar, hydrogen peroxide
Transcript: None






Obesity Epidemic: Caused by The Most Destructive Organization in America - Video

Time: 6:47 Added: 1/31/2013
Views: 2559
There are so many things wrong with the diets people use to try and lose weight. A major problem comes from the organizations that give dietary advice. Dr. Jonny Bowden discusses some of the biggest mistakes people make in their diet and daily routine that may hinder them in their weight loss goals.
Contributor(s): Bowden, Jonny PhD, CNS
Tags: diet, fat, weight loss, hormones, cholesterol, insulin, breakfast




Time: 4:56   Views: 4376

5 Steps to Naturally Reverse Type 2 Diabetes!

Dr. Don Colbert is the author of a book that guides you through reversing type 2 diabetes. Here he talks about the steps that can help accomplish this and avoid more serious health concerns down the road.
Time: 7:41   Views: 8056

5 Things to Avoid to Become More Alkaline

Naturopath Ann Boroch discusses the importance of an alkaline diet. She mentions a number of things you should avoid to help get your body in a more alkaline state. She also discusses how candida, acidity and cancer may be connected.
Time: 3:56   Views: 76709

It's YOUR Diabetes Life!
alt text here


The Logic Behind Statin Drugs is Flawed - Video

Time: 4:08 Added: 3/26/2013
Views: 198
Dr. Ed Park discusses different types of cholesterol. He explains that high cholesterol may be signs that the body is underutilizing cholesterol instead of having too much. He describes the chemistry of cholesterol and explains why the logic behind statin drugs is wrong.

***************CLICK HERE:
Contributor(s): Park, Ed MD, MPH
Tags: hormones, cholesterol, side effects, statin drugs, cellular health
Transcript: None

How Antibiotics destroy your immune system.....
Your immune system is constantly on a seek-and-destroy mission status - on the lookout for foreign invaders, naturally occurring cell defects and mutant cells. The immune system has a vast capacity to remember bad guys and deploy tactics that worked in the past to annihilate the enemy. Some of the fastest growing cells in the human body are immune cells.
Over 80 percent of the body's immunity is built in the intestinal tract by the friendly bacteria balance that resides there. The intestinal flora starts building in an infant while in the womb but doesn't really take off until after eight days of age. Starting with the colostrum milk, the gut begins to populate with more bacteria while the infant's immune system starts an inventory of good and bad cells in the body. This inventory is a life-long process and the immune system never forgets an invader.
Where the problem begins
The absolute worst thing to do to any infant is to give them an antibiotic. Antibiotics indiscriminately kill bacteria, both good and bad. One round of antibiotics will permanently change the baby's immune system, and because a majority of neuro-chemicals are also made in the gut, the baby's neurology is also altered. The antibiotics that have been touted as the savior of mankind from disease are costing us in cancer and degenerative, chronic diseases.
Once the very first antibiotic is administered to the infant or child, the bacteria in the gut is wiped out and the immune system is permanently altered in its ability to manufacture appropriate immune cells. Fungus in the gut is now unopposed and begins to proliferate unchecked by the friendly bacteria. After fungus sets up strongholds then parasites move in to share the bounty of food and minerals meant to feed the body. This is the first step for chronic disease and cancer.
The same process happens when an adult takes even one round of antibiotics. Everything changes permanently and takes years of targeted nutrition and probiotic therapies to recover a semblance of normalcy in the body systems.

The role of heavy metals
Over 80 percent of heavy metals are removed from the body via the friendly bacteria in the gut. Certain bad bacteria and fungus actually prefer to retain and move heavy metals into the body and transport these metals to different tissues and organs to weaken them for future invasion. Fungus is a clean-up organism that feeds on compromised tissues. Eventually a bad fungus will invade healthy tissues as it gains strength and your body weakens.
The cancer double-whammy
Once the bad bacteria balance occurs and the fungus sets up shop, the intestinal wall becomes leaky, allowing partially digested foods, bacterium and allergens to cross into the blood. Now the already weakened immune system has double-duty to perform trying to clean up the gut while tracking down these new threats to the body. To think this all started with a well-meaning but seriously wrong pediatrician and misinformed parents.
Cancer is a disease of inflammation. The gut compromises and leakage of particles into the blood causes inflammation throughout the body. Chronically inflamed organs become targets of heavy metals, viruses, bacterium and fungus. But the damage doesn't stop there as the highly processed foods we eat cross the now compromised gut barrier; causing pancreas stress and trouble. Chronic stress weakens organs to make them more susceptible to disease and cancer.
Where it ends

It ends with you making informed decisions before submitting to any medical treatment, including taking antibiotics. You are the one who gleans the benefits or suffers the consequences - not the doctor who collects your co-pay up front and makes you sign "informed consent" papers before treatment.
Sources for this article

The Greatest Medical Hoax in the History of the World - Video

Time: 1:14 Added: 1/6/2010
Views: 9291
Dr. Michael Murray explains how we've been misled by drug companies. He looks at statin drugs and why they are not proven to have any real benefit.
Contributor(s): Murray, Michael N.D.
Tags: cholesterol, prescription drugs, statin drugs
The Greatest Medical Hoax in the History of the World Interview with Dr. Michael Murray Interviewed by Lyle Hurd November 13, 2009 Dr. Michael Murray: When all is said and done, the over-reliance on these statin drugs to reduce our risk of heart attacks and strokes will go down as the greatest medical hoax in the history of the world. It’s just appalling and just amazing how we’ve all been misled by the drug company’s propaganda with these statin drugs. And that’s what it is, it masquerades as research that- if you look at the research, these drugs offer very little protection for most people. Eighty percent of the people who are taking these statin drugs are taking them for no good reason. There’s no scientific evidence of any benefit, no reason for them to be taken, these drugs. In 1987, when these drugs were first approved, there were thirteen million Americans with high cholesterol. Now, in 2009, we have over a hundred million Americans with high cholesterol. What happened? The drug companies utilized their influence to lower the level that was considered normal to increase the web that they could cast and haul in more patients.




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