Joe Cross’ 3-Day Weekend Juice Cleanse
Documentary filmmaker and health advocate Joe Cross discovered a whole new body by vowing to change his life and his health by only drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices for 60 days. When Cross started filming Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, he was 100 pounds overweight, on multiple prescription drugs and suffering from an autoimmune disease. He decided to drastically alter his lifestyle and tap into the body’s natural healing abilities by juicing. The results: Cross lost the weight, got off his meds and sought out to spread his message and the success of his personal journey with the masses.
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Why might someone consider juicing? According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of The Super Immunity Diet, juicing helps unleash the natural healing power of the body. Juicing floods your system with powerful nutrients and antioxidants. It may also help retrain your taste buds to enjoy healthy fruits and vegetables, making it the first step toward a long-lasting lifestyle change, or jumpstarting a weight-loss regimen. Dr. Fuhrman also says juicing can be beneficial for people with elevated cholesterol and high blood pressure, and those suffering from autoimmune diseases, like arthritis, digestive problems and skin conditions. Read more about the benefits of juicing.
While 60 days of juicing is extreme, and should never be attempted without the supervision of a physician, juicing for shorter amounts of time can still be beneficial.
Note: Before starting any cleanse, make sure to consult your physician, especially if you have a medical condition like diabetes. Also, don’t participate if you’re pregnant or nursing. Detoxes are also not a substitute for medical diagnoses or treatment.
To help you reap the benefits of juicing, Cross has developed a 3-day weekend cleanse that you can do with simple ingredients right at home. But before you get started, there are a few rules you'll need to get familiar with.

The 3-Phase Plan to Fix Your Metabolism for Good
If you’re like many of my clients, you’ve been on the diet roller coaster for years, cycling through whichever new miracle diet is topping the week’s headlines. The problem is: you’re still stuck with the same belly fat, the same extra weight you’ve been carrying since the 1980s. Maybe you’ll lose a little on some of these punishing diets, only to gain it back once you start eating like a normal person again. You’re exasperated, you’ve given up, and you feel like your body has thrown in the towel.
Sound familiar? It’s called chronic dieting. But the problem isn’t you – it’s your out-of-whack metabolism. It doesn’t need another miracle diet – it needs to go into rehab!
Metabolism rehab is the exact opposite of all these diets that have failed you in the past. Starving yourself, cutting out food groups, and counting every calorie and carb actually slows down your metabolism, making it harder and harder to lose weight.
The best way to rev up your sluggish metabolism is to eat – and eat a lot. How could eating a lot help you lose weight? The secret is to shake things up: Confuse it to lose it! By eating specific whole, nutritious, delicious foods on specific days, you’ll speed up your metabolism and get it burning again. And you’ll do it without going hungry or giving up your favorite foods. And never forget about exercise – if you want to truly optimize your metabolism, you have to get your body moving. It’s as simple as 30 minutes of exercise, three times a week.
I’ve developed a three-phase eating plan that shows you how. This is not a “diet” in the traditional sense. This is an eating plan that heals your metabolism, satiates your body and mind, and helps you learn to love food again. You’ll shed excess weight and finally slay those old dragons – the metabolic myths that have been dragging you down.
The 3-Phase Plan requires that you complete all three phases, every week for four weeks. You can always repeat the 28-day plan, or even just a week or two of the plan if you find your metabolism needs a boost.
Metabolic Myth #1: If I could just eat less, I’d finally lose weight.
“Eat less to lose weight” is the worst diet myth around. Ignore your body’s hunger signals, and it’ll plunge directly into starvation mode, hoarding every molecule of fat that it can. You start producing too much of the fat-storage hormone RT3, which tells your body to store fat rather than burn it. And what does your body then burn as fuel? It starts eating your muscles for food instead of fat.
Metabolic Rehab Phase 1: Unwind stress, calm the adrenals. Duration: 2 Days
The first step of rebooting your metabolism is giving it what it needs to pull itself out of emergency mode: lean proteins, whole grains and natural sugar in the form of fruit. The sweet fruits and wholesome carbs in Phase 1 stimulate endorphins in the brain and flood the body with very easily digestible nutrients.
Phase 1 convinces your body that it’s no longer in an emergency situation, encouraging it to actually digest the food you are eating, and use those nutrients for fuel rather than storing it as fat.
10 Simple Rules to Lose 5 Pounds
Even a small amount of weight loss can make a huge difference. Shedding just five pounds can not only improve your confidence, but also provide tremendous health benefits. See 10 ways that you can drop 5 pounds to start looking and feeling better today! 2K+ Added to Articles on Tue 07/03/2012 Losing those last irritating 5 pounds can be the hardest part of your weight-loss journey. Kick things up a notch without depriving yourself! These 10 easy rules will help you finally hit your goal weight and allow you to maintain your healthy new physique. 1. Practice Portion Control Over the years, portions have become supersized. Larger serving sizes make it easy to consume excess calories, even when it comes to healthy foods. Curb your consumption by being mindful of proper serving sizes: a serving of meat should be no larger than the palm of your hand or deck of cards. When it comes to snacking, don't eat out of the package or bag. When you’re dining out, ask for a doggy bag at the beginning of your meal and immediately place half of your dish in the to-go container so that you won’t be tempted to clean your plate. As a rule of thumb, make sure half of your plate is filled with fruits and colorful veggies at every meal. Click here for more information on serving sizes. 2. Lose “Low-Fat” Labels Many dieters fill their kitchens with foods branded as “low fat” – but all too often that label is a diet trap. To improve their flavor, manufacturers tend to add more sugar, flour and thickeners to fat-free products, which boost calorie content. The fats in these foods are replaced with low-performing white carbs that digest quickly and are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. This causes the classic sugar high and crash followed by a hunger rebound. Additionally, studies show that people often view a low-fat label as a green light to eat much more than they normally would, unaware that low-fat versions of foods are usually not much lower in calories than the regular versions. Click here to learn more about unmasking misleading food labels. 1 2 3 Next We Recommend Dr. Oz's Ultimate Diet Get Rid of Belly Fat Drink Your Belly Bloat Away 3 Steps to Getting Your Best Body Back Eat Yourself Skinny! Sponsored Links Fight Arthritis: 10 Foods That Help and Hurt ( Finally Chemotherapy Game Changer for Stage 4 Cancer (Envita) Everything You Needed to Know About Lemons (Live Better America) Recommended by *********************************************THE SUPPLEMENT ENCYCLOPEDIAS ARE GREAT FOR LEARNING EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE VITAMINS AND SUPPLEMENTS, WHAT THEY DO, WHAT THEY CURE.... AND MORE....
***************************** ****************************************************************************SUGAR, SUGAR, SUGAR,.... ALL WE EVER HEAR ABOUT IS SUGAR
40 grams is the MAXIMUM amount recommended for non-diabetic people and no added sugar, such as granulated sugar, is necessary, since it adds no nutrition to the body. If you're diabetic or borderline diabetic, please see the note at the bottom. 40 grams of sugar refers mainly to added sugar, which is anything that is put into foods rather that which is naturally occurring such as in fruit. By this logic, for instance, ALL sugar in soda would be considered "added," since the beverage itself is constructed rather than harvested. More input from WikiAnswers contributors: Actually, this is a bit of a complicated question. Carbohydrates can take the form of sugar once digested, and a certain amount of sugar, as the answer above indicates, occurs naturally in food. However, the following bit from, I found helpful:
In petitioning for labeling changes regarding sugar, CSPI (Center for Science in the Public Interest), joined by dozens of leading health experts, also wants the FDA to set a maximum recommended daily intake (Daily Value) for added sugars of 10 teaspoons (40 grams) and require labels to disclose the percentage of the Daily Value a food provides.
There are many naturally occurring sugars such as sucrose which is a combination of glucose and fructose (or fruit sugar), lactose (from milk), maltose and galactose. You don't want too many of the simple sugar glucose, but you can have a few more of the complex ones. If you digest too many simple sugars, your body gets swamped and the excess that is not used by your body gets stored as fat. Also useful to know is that sugars also enters your cells using the same pathway as Vitamin C - so, too much sugar and your body does not absorb Vitamin C as well. Too much sugar also interrupts your immune system. However, you can eat or drink natural sugars in moderation - say up to 100 grams a day (like orange juice which contains quite a lot of fructose). From a health standpoint, specifically adding simple table sugar is a favorable alternative to adding a potentially hazardous substance such as high fructose corn syrup. This isn't to say sugar itself lacks dietary benefits. Sugar, in its original state, is a naturally produced substance rich in vitamins and minerals. And if refined properly, retains these qualities (so long as it remains in the form of table sugar.) In addition, a regular intake of table sugar is important in regulating insulin productivity. There are also positive metabolic effects. Sugar is added to FDA-approved energy products for a reason--it's a safe stimulant that augments energy in a confined period of time and promotes a heart-healthy agenda. Thus, it is somewhat difficult to say exactly how much sugar per day any one person may require. For someone with a regular metabolism, that doesn't devote time to exercise, a 100g maximum should not be crossed (and in many cases not be approached.) However, athletes may consume 150% of this without seeing notable side-effects. It is important that I reiterate that in either case this threshold should not be approached. Sugar in very high doses is dangerous; if you're concerned for your health it is best to stay at a far more shallow intake than the maximum dosage recommends. Recommended amount of any food per day is always subjective to the following:
a. Age b. Health conditions c. Physical activity (calorie expenditure per day) d. General food habits (based on locality of individual, he may be consuming more of one food and may be immune to bad effects of it) e. Others
There are many other minor factors which may determine the amount of sugars that a person needs. So based on the law of individualism, each individual is unique and their needs are different based on various factors. Processed sugar is not necessary at all in anyone's daily diet. It should be avoided. Our body gets enough carbohydrates from ordinary foods and converts raw carbs to sugars as needed. Grains, fruits, and other carbs provide enough(sometimes too much) sugars as is. Dried fruits such as raisins are especially full of sugars. To add even more processed sugar is harmful. As a dentist, I see daily the harm done by hard candy, chocolate, soda, cough drops (98% sugar), sweetened tea, coffee (with either sugar and sometimes powdered cream substitute (contains high % sugar), pastries, pies, cakes, cookies. None of these foods are necessary and should be avoided unless it is a rare special occasion. Hope I have been of some help to you. Consult a dietitian if you disagree with anything that I have said. **NOTE FOR DIABETICS The answer is different for each individual. A much more useful answer that may save lives is: Everyone is different. If you are diabetic and worried about harming your body with sugar intake (as you should be), then it is small comfort if your intake is fine for average people but tends to cause high blood sugar for you in particular. Rather than researching grams of sugar and asking people (or even doctors) if that's harmful, you should buy a glucometer (blood glucose meter) at any drugstore, learn to use it, and find out what foods you can eat (on your current medicine and diet) that will keep your blood sugar in the safe ranges according to the link below "How to keep your blood sugar under control".
- Fasting blood sugar under 100 mg/dl (5.5 mmol/L)
- One hour after meals under 140 mg/dl (7.8 mmol/L)
- Two hours after meals under 120 mg/dl (6.6 mmol/L)
Answer: MORE INFO:
- Whether you are trying to lose weight or not, you should not be consuming added sugar.
- Although refined sugar is generally considered a commodity and is essentially unnecessary in any diet, some people, but certainly not all, can consume a certain amount and still be relatively healthy.
- You should not be consuming any sugar.
- No Sugar. Just great foods with natural sugar in them. LIke carrots, onions, broccoli, apples, etc. The GREASTEST health problem in the world today is added sugar. Fat people, diabetics and on and on. We are spoiled people and we are living the great health lie. We eat chocolate and candy and ice cream with no limits. What a joke. Historians will look back and laugh at us. We are foolish people.
- Sugar in moderation, enhances flavor and is essential to many recipes. However, excessive consumption of sugar can cause health problems.
- Some recent recommendations suggest not more than 100 calories worth (6 teaspoons) a day for a woman and not more than 150 calories worth (9 teaspoons) for a man. However, you still run health risks with these amounts.
- In addition, teaspoons of sugar are added/hidden in foods. Here are some examples:
- 8 oz of fruit flavored yogurt has approximately 6 teaspoons of sugar added
- one cup of frosted grain cereal has approximately 3 teaspoons
- one 12 oz can of soda or pop has approximately 8 teaspoons of sugar
- You should not be consuming any added sugar. You do not need added sugar for health. If you feel unable to manage without something sweet, use a sugar substitute called stevia.
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